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Aware Wolf vs A Werewolf: A 'Feed The Good Wolf' Story is the first in a series of children's rhyming picture books I am writing. This book is a brief introduction to the idea of the two wolves inside us and being intentional about feeding the good one. It is currently available for purchase on Amazon.

Once that awareness comes, the next question is often "Okay, but now what do I do to feed the good wolf?" Book two- "How To Feed Aware Wolf" gets more specifically into that.  

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How do you feed a werewolf? You don't! How do you feed Aware Wolf? Now that's a good question!

How To Feed Aware Wolf: A 'Feed The Good Wolf' Story is the the second book in the series and is currently available for purchase on Amazon.

Aware Wolf vs A Werewolf introduced us to the idea of the two wolves within us- Aware Wolf (The Good Wolf) and A Werewolf (The Bad Wolf). The first step is understanding the difference and paying attention to which one you are feeding.
Many people make a point of trying not to feed the bad wolf, and that’s good, but it’s not enough. You also need to intentionally feed the good wolf.
How To Feed Aware Wolf is book two in the series and covers some ideas for exactly how to do that.

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